LA post

LaneAxis CEO Rick Burnett featured in “Authority Magazine”

In this lengthy Q&A session with data security expert David Leichner, LaneAxis CEO & Founder Rick Burnett discusses in detail how to create a nationally secure and resilient supply chain. Since 2018, Authority Magazine has conducted more than 50,000 empowering interviews with prominent Authorities including Venus Williams, Shaquille O’Neal, Marc Cuban, Guy Kawasaki and Daymond […]

LA post

Press Release & Video: A Record Fast Load Proves Out LaneAxis Model

LaneAxis Network Shipper Aaron Walsh has relied on brokers to move his freight for years. An industry fraught with inefficiency left him no choice. Those days are over. After signing up with LaneAxis, Aaron was able to connect with carriers, post multiple loads, negotiate rates, and get the shipment tendered in ABOUT AN HOUR – […]

LA post

Press Release: LaneAxis Files Patent Application for Immutable Insurance Verification Platform

Press Release: LaneAxis Files Patent Application for Immutable-Based Insurance Verification Platform Insurance fraud is a multibillion-dollar problem — and a major pain point in freight transportation LaneAxis is once again expanding its IP arsenal by seeking patent protection for a platform that verifies carrier insurance documents via Immutable Technology and Smart Contracts. This solves a […]

Risk Assessment

“Risk Assessment” is a process shippers use to make decisions for carriers in their network. Similar to credit score which you need to verify for accuracy, Risk Assessment is equally important to verify because it directly affects your freight access. Verify your score and be visible in the network.

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